segunda-feira, 14 de abril de 2014

Cats and dogs can see spirits?

That's what I say here has already happened twice but this was more sinister and that left me goosebumps , I 'm home alone in my room and the pc with the door open , I have a cat and a dog here at home , and this happened just now I was watching a few videos and researching supernatural supernatural things , and then the door is open my cat came running came through the door and climbed into bed type chasing something invisible and was sniffing and mewing softly , and my dog came and went and was smelling tbm stopped looking cat , he is even now lying here next to me , it has happened twice and I felt a chill at the time the cat came running in again the same thing happened only q n I was researching nothing supernatural, but the cat tBM entered the room and stood looking and smelling like you're seeing something I really believe in these things No , I just really like watching supernatural things but not believe what you guys think? will be q are spirits ? and animals can see?

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