segunda-feira, 14 de abril de 2014

Cats - meanings, myths and truths

At the time of Atlantis, the healers used crystals in their work . The crystals were used as a healing channel . When healers visiting remote villages , they could not use the crystals for the people distrusted them thinking that they used black magic.
How could they not use crystals , healers took cats who performed exactly the same function of the crystals , thereby cats have been used numerous times in the healing art . Even the gods who had not had a sacred animal form devoted to them , symbolizing the animal. Among these animals , the cat was one of the most beloved , both for its fertility and by its nocturnal habits , which made ​​him the guardian of the night , the dead , and the mysteries of life and death .

Cats have the power to daily remove accumulated negative energy in our body . While we sleep , they absorb this energy . If there is more than one person in the family , and only a cat , it can accumulate an excessive amount of negativity by absorbing energy from so many people . When they sleep , the cat's body releases the negativity that he removed from us. If we are overly stressed, they may not have enough to release that amount of negative energy , time and therefore it accumulates as fat until they can release it . Because of this , many of them will become obese .

Cats and Religions


The Egyptian Cult : In Egypt of the Pharaohs , the cat was worshiped in the figure of the goddess Bastet , commonly represented with female body and head cat. This beautiful goddess was the symbol of light, heat and energy . It was also the symbol of the moon , and it was believed he had the power to fertilize the earth and men , cure disease and lead the souls of the dead . At this time , cats were considered guardians of this world, and were common in many amulets .

The Cat in Greece : In ancient Greece , the cat was associated with femininity , love and sexual pleasure, attributes of Aphrodite . Was also associated with Artemis , goddess of the hunt and the moon , which was said to have escaped a stalker , Typhon , transformed into a cat.

The Cult in Rome : In the Roman Empire , the cat was linked to several goddesses . Diana, the huntress , ruled fertility and the moon , as well as Bastet , and an old legend attributes the creation of her cat. Also sensual Venus is represented as a cat , an incarnation of maternal emotions .

The Cat in Babylon : Although there is no cult of cat read a myth that the cat was born splashing of a lion . The lion , incidentally , was a symbol of royalty .

The Cat in Pre-Columbian America : In America , although there were no domestic cats , big cats , such as the puma and the jaguar, had their place in the pantheon of gods . The jaguar was a symbol of great strength and wisdom , and it was believed that the dead healers transform to this animal.

The Celtic Worship : In Celtic culture, the goddess Cerridwen has a link with the cult of the cat on the fecundity through his son Taliesin , who in one of his incarnations was described as a cat with mottled head.

The Scandinavian Worship : In Norse legends , the underworld goddess Freya , whose chariot was pulled by two cats , who represented the qualities of the goddess , fertility and ferocity appears . These cats showed well the facets of the domestic cat at the same time affectionate and tender , and fierce when aroused. Pagan temples were often adorned with images of cats . In Finland , there was a belief in a sleigh pulled by cats carrying the souls of the dead .

The Cat in Islam : There are a number of stories involving cats to the prophet Muhammad , who would have even saved from death by killing a snake that attacked him . Because of this association between cat and Islam , the Catholic Church has managed so successfully to relate the cult of the cat with the heresies and the devil .

The Cat in Buddhism : In the original canons of Buddhism , the cat is excluded from the list of protected animals , due to the fact

that , at the time of death of Buddha , when all the animals gathered to mourn his remains , the cat not only be kept dry eyes as quietly eaten a mouse , proving their lack of respect for the solemn event . However , despite the legend, the cat was revered by early Buddhists for their tendency to self-control and meditation. In China , figurines of cats were used to drive away evil spirits , and there were two types of cats , both good and bad , that were easily differentiated by that evil had two tails . In Japan , when a cat died, was buried in the temple of the owner , and the altar was even offered a similar , painted or carved cat owner to ensure the tranquility and good fortune during his lifetime .

The Cat and Judaism : In the Talmud , the cat appears only about 500 AD , when the sacred book praises briefly its cleanliness . However , an ancient Hebrew legend tells that the cat would have been created in full Noah , when Noah , in despair because the rats were multiplying and gobbling all provisions, implored God to send you a solution . The cat would then have been created from a blow of the lion. Another ancient Judeo- Spanish legend tells that Lilith , the first wife of Adam , would have left him to become a vampire , that under the appearance of a black cat , asleep and attacked defenseless babies and sucking their blood .

The Cat and Christianity : The Church at the beginning of its history , adopted some pagan symbols and rejected others. Thus , Jesus became " the Lion of Judah," and the serpent the aegis of evil . In the Coptic sect , which emerged around the first century AD , the gospel had cats who judged men after death . The early Celtic Church joined various saints to pagan traditions and the cult of the cat. St. Gertrude of Nivelles , for example , is always represented with a cat , and , in France , it was said that Agatha turned into an angry cat to punish the infidels . In the Middle Ages , however, the cat picture began to change . In the fifth century , the Gnostics , who ascribed equal importance to Jesus , Buddha and Zoroaster , were accused of worshiping the devil in the figure of a black cat .

In the year 1232, Pope Gregory IX founded the Inquisition , in order to discover heretics who worshiped the devil , again in the figure of a black cat , male . In 1344, arises in France , the cult of St. Vitus in Metz , annually burning alive 13 cats in a cage . When the Black Death struck Europe , decimating nearly a third of the population , the cats were originally found guilty and persecuted , ordering to their destruction . The association of the figure to the cat demon worship inevitably led to its binding to witchcraft and magic . In the fifteenth century , in Germany , reemerge as the pagan cults of the goddess Freya . In 1484, Pope Innocent VIII diffuses the belief that witches worshiped Satan incarnate in cat. Across Europe , innocent people were tortured in the name of God . And , with them , their cats . In Ypres , in France , hundreds of cats were thrown from a tall steeple in an annual festival . Thousands of cats were sacrificed in rituals during Passover. The chase came to America even when , in 1692 , several people were executed in Salem in the state of Massachusetts .

However , even in these inglorious times , cats were also beloved companions in some countries , such as Russia , where they were found to be common in convents and monasteries . Cardinal Richelieu had several cats , including a black angora named Lucifer . In southern France , ran the legend of magic called matagots cats , bringing fortune and luck to those who loved and embraced them . Over time, the persecution was making a comeback , and the importance of cats as controllers of rodents was recognized . In the eighteenth century , are abolished laws on sorcery , and even Pope Pius IX surrendered to its charms .

Cats are one of the greatest spiritual companions and through its powers has helped man to fulfill their missions from ancient civilizations and up to the present day .

One of the functions of the cat is caring for the family and protecting the environment against negative energies and transmuting and if you have a very strong connection with him will notice the signs of premonitions that tries to pass.
Ideally a house is to have a dog and a cat because the dog will help the cat because it will act more firmly in the protection of people and environments .

The cats live in this silent parts and outside ( in the movie Constantine has a passage that talks about it ) , black cats are much more resistant than ordinary ( black dogs too) , so it can withstand work black magic and witchcraft, why witches , wizards etc. , have black cats for their protection, another curiosity are the ninjas they mimic their abilities to walk and kung fu technique only has a cat .

Take the erroneous thoughts that cats do nothing , who are lazy and all they do is eat and sleep and are messing around, unlike what many people think , cats are very clean , if properly educated .
So ! Let us understand more about these special our little friends !

Summary of Culture of Cats





The first ancestor of our beloved domestic cat , the Miacis lived nearly 40 million years , was an animal with very different characteristics compared to the current class of felinos.Acredita up he lived in trees to protect themselves from predadores.Na evolution of the species Dinicts , was what began to have cat-like traits today , that about 10 million years ago . Are present in society , as domestic animals , from about 9000 years ago. In that time , were persecuted , worshiped as Gods , served the public interest , or simply loved by a family .

2000 years ago , the cat was considered a sacred animal in ancient Egypt . Bastet , the Goddess of Happiness and Fertility , was usually represented by a woman with a cat's head , as well as your animal totem , which was also considered a god. Besides Bastet , Sekhmet , an Egyptian Goddess is represented by figure feline .

The Egyptians cherished their cats so that their export was forbidden , but the Ionian merchants delivered to a lucrative smuggling homemade cat allowed the first reach Asia Minor and then Europe. In India the cat was domesticated around the same time in Egypt .

China already knew the cat - Homemade 1000 years before our era , Japan a little later . The Middle Ages were , in general , hostile to cats , which were associated with witchcraft and considered evil creatures . During this period they began to be persecuted by religious zealots , who welcomed them for a long time , Christians . Was seen as an animal Devil, mostly black in color and also because of its connection with Bastet , goddess of fertility and Freia , the goddess of love. Thousands of cats were burned in the public square , along with women accused of witchcraft . Only after the end of the Middle Ages cats were able to enjoy their nine lives the way they've always wanted , comfortably installed in the homes of humans with food cups and various perks . It is this time that part most superstitions , some of which survived until our days .

In many ancient cultures , especially in Eastern cultures , the cat was considered a guardian of the souls of the dead , keeper of the mysteries of life and death , a driver who took them to the other side . From this perspective , the cat was worshiped as a deity , and revered as a beast of great mystical power .

The immortal cat exists in some intermediate world between life and death , watching and waiting , liability until such time that the human spirit becomes free . Then he will lead the soul to its final rest.

(The Mythology Of Cats , Gerald & Loretta Hausman )

In the minds of many people , the cat is still a mysterious and almost sacred animal of a vision beyond the ordinary and a keen insight . It is even said to have paranormal powers , who would know more of the secrets of life than us. Anyone who has had the chance to live with a cat easily realize that most of these features seems even be true .

Cats really seem to have an extrasensory perception, a different view , beyond normal . Almost always give the impression of belonging to a higher level, a higher level of consciousness .

Cats seem to know exactly how we feel , even if it does not have any different reaction . They are always there when we need without even being called . And understand perfectly what we say. Notice how the cat stares while you talk with him . Look into your eyes , you will see in them the flame of intelligence. Realize the latent understanding in his deep , penetrating gaze .

By its intrinsic spirituality , cats were used as a protection against negative energies and healing as vectors . Celtic said the cats as well as other domestic animals , were the reincarnation of deceased relatives , ancestors reeencarnavam these life forms to advise . In this line of thought , the cat was considered the most appropriate animal, precisely because of its keen insight .

Enigmatic animal considered sacred or accursed by different civilizations or at different times , the fascination that produces its contemplation has something esoteric and mysterious .

This small representative of the family of felines , was attached to the story of the man with a totally different dog to the charism . Unlike this , the cat has not lost its identity semiselvagem animal, their independence and their absolute contempt for everything that does not meet your instinct. The abandoned dog suffers more from lack of affection from lack of food or home, the cat and does not require the owner , approaches the man to take advantage of what your host can provide you with food, warmth, affection , etc. .

The beauty of the cat, in addition to its qualities feline, is in its libertarian behavior. Never be mastered if he does not want , at the whim of its owner , only closer to rub on his caregiver when he wants and not to externalize affection, but by sheer voluptuousness . It is able to live outside the home and completely self sufficient with regard to food in rural and urban primary and even in big cities is capable of surviving debris , waste and hunting of sparrows and other little birds . Different breeds of cats are due to artificial selection , made ​​by man , but it is curious to demonstrate that they are not as varied as polymorphs nor dog nor , certainly , as many as this . Cat behavior is inherent to the species and is not determined as races, unlike what happens with the dog.

Although the man has 15 times the size of the cat, it has more bones in your body has 230 bones , while the man has 206 . Many are located in the tail , which when lifted , shows pride and contentment in the cat. When extended and straight, shows what's lurking hunting . Coiled says that the cat is startled or distressed , and when shaken from side to side, can indicate that he is angry .

The cat has cadenced movements because their legs are densely hairy , what appears to be his elbow when he moves , his heel is because the cat is digitigrade , which means to walk or run at your fingertips with the heel up.

The normal number of toes on the front paws is five ( one being the thumb ) , and four toes on their hind legs . Most cats polidáctilos , i.e., they have more fingers than normal, usually the front leg 6 , but there are other variations. The hind legs are longer and stronger than the front , which allows them to jump with great skill . Unlike many other animals that move the front and rear legs while the opposite side , the cat moves its rear and front leg on the same side and then the other.

The main defensive weapon is his claws . They may extend to jump and fight, or retract to walk silently or when it is resting . The act of extending and contracting the claws repeatedly is called kneading and is often accompanied by the act of purring. All kittens claws of the toes point to a direction, which is why the only way to power down a cat from a tree is back. That explains why many cats can not fall from trees and have to be bailed out .

Cats use their teeth to grab , hold and cut food. He cuts and rips your food instead of crushing and grinding . The cat's tongue is rough (due to the glands and papillae present) and is used as a kind of spoon to drink liquids , and do double duty , with her cat comb and brush , keeping yourself clean .

The eye is its most striking feature often commented on by its stunning beauty . They are so great , that the eyes of man , to purposely be the same size , should be twenty inches wide . Your keener sense is vision. Through their eyes , a cat can see at night or very low light levels . It can distinguish the degrees of clarity much better than the man and almost prefer dark places . However , it does not distinguish colors and see how many shades of gray depending on the light. He sees only the light changes. So, if nothing moves where he's looking , he sees nothing . For this reason , the cat moves his eyes very slightly, causing the scene to move and become visible. As a hunter who is the cat likes the chase and capture of the most common prey , birds , rodents , lizards , cockroaches etc, though perfectly suited to daytime life, their habits are crepuscular or nocturnal preferably while during the daytime hours , and sleeps hieraticamente observes the world around him .

A cat enjoys semiliberty can , however well treated that is , abandon the home of its owner and settle in the neighbor if there is fed and not beaten . These peculiarities make the cat loved or despised by man , but always respected for his effectiveness as controlling unwanted rodents . The cat , always with his controversial and their particular idiosyncrasies magnetism is one of the most attractive pets .

For centuries , worldwide the cat survived the fire and water ( thousands were killed in fires and rivers ) . But despite persecution , survived , perpetuated espécie.Talvez for this reason it is said that cats have seven or nine lives . There is undoubtedly no animal as martyred at all times . In modern times remain shrouded in legends , superstitions and prejudices . Although descendants of the protagonists of a story of love and hate today has more allies than enemies . For over 20 years , Lygia Fagundes Telles writer loves cats , as to make this statement in his book " The Discipline of Love " .

The cat has always exerted a fascination on people . The classic poem by TS Eliot , " The name of the Cats ," inspired the musical Cats staged for years on Broadway, with ever sellout .

Incidentally , TS Eliot wrote a whole book of poems about cats . Thomas Gray wrote a poem immortalizing a cat called Selima . Victor Hugo had a diary in which he wrote tenderly to her cats . And Pablo Neruda would not go unpunished, also wrote about them . The cat was also the favorite animal of Edgar Allan Poe and Stephen King . Also served as inspiration for the cartoonist Jim Davis , who created the character Garfield , a fat , lazy , cynical cat, with a strong personality . The comic strips that began to be published in 1978 , now appearing daily in 2,400 newspapers around the world. Jim spent his own childhood with about 25 cats , although asthma . But Garfield is not the only famous cartoon cat , who does not know cats - Felix ( Pat Sullivan ) , the Cheshire Cat ( Alice in Wonderland ) , Lucifer ( cat Cinderella - Walt Disney ) , and Ao Si ( cats from Lady and the Tramp - Walt Disney ) , Sylvester ( Sylvester and Tweety - Warner Bros) , Tom ( Tom and Jerry - Warner Bros) .

In children's literature have stories , Puss in Boots and Cinderella , the Frenchman Charles Perrault , Musicians of Bremen , the Brothers Grimm . Intelligent , skittish , curious , perhaps part of that fascination comes from the fact that it saves a lot of wild cat instincts also fascinate his admirers by sinuous gestures , the indifferent who never answers when called air, but gain the affection become irresistible when so wish . The list of his passionate includes many famous names such as Voltaire intellectuals , La Fontaine , emphasizing the cunning cat in his fables . The English Romantic poet Lord Byron , defended all the virtues of the cat. Politicians names Queen Victoria , Abraham Lincoln , Mussolini and many others.

As artists , we Manet , Rodin , Picasso and Ravel . Leonardo da Vinci loved to draw cats running , fighting , washing up or resting . Painters such as Auguste Renoir , Fernando Botero , Andy Warhol and Brazilian Aldemir Martins turned it into works of art . The writer Charles Dickens , physicist Albert Einstein , actor Robert De Niro , actress Sophia Loren . The Colette , Mark Twain , Honoré Balzac , Victor Hugo , Raymond Chandler , Jean Colteau , writers were confessed admirers . The writer Charles Perrault who created the celebrated Puss in Boots , was not the only writer Edgar Allan Poe Cat made ​​the subject of some of his best stories .

Cardinal Richelieu , minister of the French monarchy in the seventeenth century , was so devoted to her 14 cats that leave them part of his estate in his will .

The American writer Ernest Heminqway was so fond of her cats who shared the table with them . 40 cats had reached once . Distinguished as the Brazilian physicist Mario Schenberg had several cats , Nise da Silveira psychiatrist used them as co - therapists and writer João Guimarães Rosa loved her cats. Many famous personalities hated him , but no doubt the list of his admirers is much more extensive .

In all ages , writers , poets , painters , musicians have used their talents to worship their cats . Will be of some comfort to the pet owners criticized today often accused of disturbing the environment with their animals , the fact that domestic antianimais they die earlier . There are two reasons for this . Firstly , it is known that physical contact amicably with cats greatly reduces the stress to their human companions . The relationship between humans and cats is touching , in the full sense of the word .


The cat rubs up the body of the owner and it caresses the cat's fur . If such cat owners were taken to a laboratory to do test their physiological reactions would occur that systems of their bodies would become distinctly calmer , when they began to fondle them . The low tension and relaxes the body itself . These forms of therapy has been proven in practice a large number of acute cases when mental improved remarkably well after being left in the company of domestic cats. All felt a kind of liberation through a simple and honest relationship with the cat . This is the second reason for the beneficial impact of cat in humans. It is not, just a matter of touching , important though it is . It is also a matter of psychological relationship linked the complexities , contradictions and betrayals of human relations . All of us are injured by certain relations , from time to time , some other more sharply mild forms .

Who have severe mental trauma , will have difficulty to solve them . For such a bond with a cat can cause great rewards , restoring their faith in human relations , destroying the suspicions and cynicism and healing old wounds .

A special U.S. study recently revealed that for those who stress caused cardiac disorders , possession of a cat can be the difference between life and death , literally reducing the blood pressure calming the tired heart . Was studied scientifically that one of the first methods for lowering blood pressure in a person suffering from hypertension is the presence of a domestic animal.

The fact is that the cat , as well as the rest of the animals , seems to be on a much higher level than ours . Your understanding of life is much broader and more fundamental than ours. His respect for the natural cycle is vastly greater . His spirituality and direct link to the creative energy of the universe is much more developed than ours. They truly know the face of God . Really live life as it should be lived . Are uniquely superior .

Trivia How They act Spiritually

All cats have the power to daily remove accumulated negative energy in our body . While we sleep , they absorb this energy . If there is more than one person in the family , and only a cat , it can accumulate an excessive amount of negative energies by absorbing energy from so many people .

When they sleep , the cat's body releases all this negative energy that he removed from us. If we are overly stressed, they may not have enough to release that amount of negative energy , time and consequently it accumulates as fat until they can release them . Therefore , they will become obese - and you thought it was the food that you feed them !

It's good to have more than one cat in the house so that the load is divided between them . They also protect us during the night so that no unwanted spirit into our home or room while we slept . So they like to sleep in our bed. If true when they 're good , they do not sleep with us. If there is something strange going on around us , they all will jump on our bed and protect us .

If a person comes to our house and the cats feel that these people are there to harm us or that these people are bad nature , cats encircle us to protect us then seek to see the reaction of her cats to see what they will do when someone enter your home . If they run into a person , smell and wanting to be caressed by her, then relax.

If you do not have a cat , and a cat enters your home by adopting it as home, is why you need a cat at home at that particular time . The cat volunteered to help, ie , the cat only stays where it is most in need of it , before then shove him to thank him for choosing you and your home to this job because there is fulfilling a mission that is protect and help .

If you have other cats and can not stay with it , find a good home for him . The cat came to you for a reason unknown to you on a physical level , but in dreams you can see the reason for his appearance at this time . Can also be a karmic debt that he has to pay you . So do not scare off the cat . He will have to return in one way or another to perform this obligation .

They act like the Cure

At the time of Atlantis, the healers used crystals in their work . The crystals were used as a healing channel . When healers visiting remote villages , they could not use the crystals for the people distrusted thinking they wore black magic , as they could not use crystals , bare cats who performed exactly the same function of the crystals .

The people had no fear of cats and allowed them to enter their homes . Thus , cats have been used numerous times in the healing art .

People allergic to cats are emotionally incapable of loving someone deeply , because they repress their true feelings .

Important Information - The Danger of Acetaminophen

Paracetamol is a drug with analgesic properties widely used in human medicine that has several trade names such as Ben -U - Ron , Panasorbe , Panadol , Tylenol or Dafalgan , but that should not be given to cats in any situation. The intake of 50 to 60 mg per kg of paracetamol in a cat can be fatal. A cat weighs about 4kg and so a tablet Ben -U - Ron , Panasorbe , Panadol or Tylenol has 500mg , so just half a tablet to kill an adult cat or a kitten to a room , just do the math .

The acetaminophen poisoning in cats usually occurs when well-meaning owners and are unaware of the high toxicity of paracetamol in cats , give your tiger for several reasons . For example when your cat seems you febrile or quieter or no appetite.

Once in my office had a case where a kitten had fallen on one floor and the distressed owner acudi it, even without observing any injuries , gave him a quarter of the kitten Tylenol so as to make it possible resulting pain fall . After a few hours he started to see your kitten not eating , vomiting and salivating too intensely , which led him to move to our consultation .

By observing the young feline saw a picture of great dejection , rapid breathing and drooling a lot and when I saw that both the ocular mucous membranes , such as the gums and the tongue had a dark brown tone suspected acetaminophen poisoning . So I made a few more questions and the owner told me that the cat had given paracetamol . Immediately put a catheter in an arm vein ( hind paw ) cat for the serum and an antidote to acetaminophen medication that helps dilute the toxins and eliminate it through urine .


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